Thursday, May 7, 2020

Media Studies; Policy Management and Media Representation

COM 3029 Media Studies: Policy management and media representation Semester 2, 2012 I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this is my own and personal work, except where the work(s) and publications of others have been acknowledged by means of reference techniques. TABLE OF CONTENTS_______________________________________________________ Declaration 2 Introduction 5 1. MEDIA POLICY AND MEDIA REGULATION 5 2.1 The communication market 5 2.2.1 Liberalisation 5 2.2.2 Privatisation 5 2.2.3 Public enterprise 6 2.2 Internal regulation 11 2.3 External regulation 11 2.4.4 Freedom of the press in South Africa†¦show more content†¦An example of deregulation is the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA) which is a self regulatory independent body that regulates the press. 2.2.3 Privatisation of public tasks and services Privatisation of public tasks and services occurs when previous media which were owned and monitored by the state are now run by a private company. In South Africa, television production and broadcasting is provided by private companies such as DSTV, and ETV and are regulated by ICASA, a government body. The content of television however is handled by the BCCSA, which is a private body. Hence, television production includes both private and state owned companies. In Zimbabwe there is no independent body that regulates the media. There is however, the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ). BAZ is meant to operate along the same lines as ICASA, but it is exposed to direct political interference. BAZ is subordinate to the Ministry of Information who is the one who solely at his discretion determines whom and when to issue a licence, the Minister appoints the Board and not the public via parliament as is the case with ICASA, and retains the power to fire and suspend members of t he Board. Due to these reasons, private tasks and services are still not privatised in Zimbabwe, with the government monopolising access to information. 2.2 Internal regulation The first newspaper article is from Newsday, a Zimbabwean dailyShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Glass Ceiling Metaphor Essay1628 Words   |  7 Pagesare judged less favorably when seeking management positions. Moreover, managers are less likely to promote women because of their social responsibility as mothers, which ascribe the primary responsibility of family (Sabharwal, 2015). Role incongruity and the perpetuating masculine stereotype contribute to the challenges women face in leadership positions (Sabharwal, 2015). The social exclusion theory, first used in France, has also been applied to the study of the glass ceiling. 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