Monday, August 24, 2020

Shintoism in Japan Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Shintoism in Japan - Essay Example This indigenous religion of Japan is an unstructured blend of a few convictions and practices, for example, the love of nature, future foreseeing, richness factions and shamanism. In its most central structure, Shinto is the strict structure of Japanese patriotism. As indicated by Shinto custom, the Japanese individuals and their nation were supernaturally made, their heads relatives of the Sun Goddess. Normally, Japanese who are associated with Confucianism or the Buddhist religion are all the while partnered with the Shinto faction. The two loved books of Shintoism are the Nihongi (Chronicles of Japan) and the Kojiki (Chronicles of Ancient Events). The Kojiki instructs that first and foremost were the two kami (gods), Izanagi (male-who-welcomes) and Izanami (female who-welcomes). Following the making of Japan they created numerous other kami. As per this fanciful legend, Izanami died in the wake of bringing forth the kami of fire. Izanagi, trying to discover her, journeyed to Hell where he discovered her decayed body pervaded by slimy parasites. Sickened, he at that point returned to Japan in repugnance and sanitized himself by entering a waterway. The Sun Goddess, the Great Kami Amaterasu developed when he cleaned out his left eye and Tsukiyom the Moon Kami appeared when he cleaned out his correct eye. Following numerous long stretches of war between the individuals of Japan, the Sun Goddess made her grandson, Ninigi, the primary ruler of Japan. The Shinto religion is the main religion of the world that is spok en to by a female Deity. Japanese legend fights that the main head showed up during the seventh century B.C. be that as it may, current analysts put the real beginnings of Japanese emperorship at around 200 A. D.

Saturday, August 22, 2020

The Taming of the Shrew Essays -- English Literature Essays

The Taming of the Shrew Look at the changed manners by which Shakespeare presents the mentality towards marriage in the play, ‘The Taming of the Shrew.’ The Taming of the Shrew is one of Shakespeare’s soonest comedies, and it imparts numerous basic qualities to his other rom-coms, for example, Much Ado About Nothing and A Midsummer Night’s Dream. These qualities incorporate carefree and droll diversion, camouflages and misleading and a glad completion where the vast majority of the characters come out fulfilled. The play has been dated from as ahead of schedule as 1594 and as late as 1598. ( The principle subjects in the play are love, marriage, mastery, society desires, wagering and cash. Loves truly exist in the play or is it simply love for cash. It appears that the way in to an upbeat and effective marriage is cash. This satire composed by Shakespeare utilizes camouflages and that additionally is a key part to the play. In spite of the fact that it is proposed to be a parody, there is at times a dark cloud hanging over it. For example the manner by which Katherina is dealt with doesn’t consistently appear to be amusing; rather it is very barbarous and debasing. â€Å"She eat no meat today, nor none will eat; the previous evening she dozed not, nor this evening she will not.† (Page 62, act 4 scene 1 line 182-183) Men considered union with be an approach to get rich; love didn’t even enter the condition. Padua is a rich territory and in this manner numerous admirers fled there in the desire for getting affluent. â€Å"I come to wive it richly in Padua,† says Petruchio. He asks out and out, â€Å"Then let me know †in the event that I get your daughter’s love, what share will I have with her to wife?† (Page 37, act 2 scene 1, line 119-120) The spouses were given a settlement by the dad of the girl when they got hitched. Ladies didn’t have any state in who they decided to wed; rather the choice was given to the dad. On the off chance that a girl was not hitched, at that point they were glimpsed disgracefully upon inside the general public. In this time each lady was to be hitched else they were disapproved of inside the network. Further more without Katherina getting hitched, Bianca would likewise never wed. Inside a family the oldest little girl must be of fered first and in this play ended up being a reward. â€Å"Her father keeps from all entrance of admirers and won't guarantee her to any man until her senior sister initially be wed.† This is the primary an... .... She presently obeys what is asked of her by Petruchio like, for example, when she is educated to address different spouses concerning how to be a decent wife, â€Å"Katherina, I charge thee, tell these resolved ladies, what obligation they do owe their rulers and husbands.† Without belligerence and saying a word against what is asked of her she offers her guidance, â€Å"Thy husband is thy master, thy life, thy manager, thy head, thy sovereign, one that thinks about thee.† Ladies in the Elizabethan time were introduced as dutiful to their spouses and conscious to them too. They had no force and no state, they were dealt with seriously and nothing would be done to stop the conduct. In present day society most ladies have as much state as the men, they are not expected to remain at home and clean and so on, and rather they go to fill in also. A few ladies resemble Katherina before she was as far as anyone knows restrained, out spoken, yet disparity despite everything exists. During the Elizabethan period marriage resembled a business contract, in the event that the cash is there, at that point so is the mark. Love was never a piece of the play and this appeared in both Hortensio and Petruchio, who Shakespeare uses to uncover this shallow way to deal with the probably sentimental idea of marriage.

Thursday, July 23, 2020

A Cacophony of Coats

A Cacophony of Coats While waiting at a bus stop the other day, I witnessed one of the most awkward conversations Id ever beenwell, witness to. Theres a little thing called small talk that people substitute for awkward silence in social situations with acquaintances. Two women waiting next to me at the bus stop were demonstrating this tactic, and had chosen the topic of winter coats a logical move given that it was fairly chilly outside. They established that coats were, indeed, useful to possess in the cold, their thorough line of reasoning being that coats made one less cold, which was a desirable effect when one was undesirably cold. Coats, some of which were fashionable, and some of which were unfashionable, could be acquired in a variety of stores, some of them nearby, some not. Some of these stores; that is, stores which sold coats, even provided discounts, which in turn could be acquired through coupons provided by that store for the purpose of providing discounts. The three of us waited interminably for the bus, wrapped beseechingly in our coats. As I silently wept tears of frustration, they crystallized on my cheeks and shattered one by one against the concrete, like my heart at the mention of coats. Im just kidding about the first part. It wasnt that cold. In an attempt to alleviate my rejection of conversational redundancy (but mostly because its a graduation requirement), Im taking 6.UAT, a preparation class for 6.UAP, the course 6 undergraduate thesis. Most people mix these names up; I remember them as Undergraduate Amateur Talking and Undergraduate Actual Project. The universally loved Tony Eng designed the course to reprogram malfunctioning social robots like me with better presentation and communication skills with which to convey our technical prowess. Ironically, hes so good at teaching it that no one realizes hes actually a researcher. Might as well tell you about my other classes now. 6.813 (User Interface Design Implementation) So far weve mostly just looked at horrendously unusable user interfaces and enumerated reasons for their badness. Although, notably, one student intuited a possible explanation for the unusability of this MoMA interface, which I cant resist snarkily paraphrasing and embellishing: But what if the artist deliberately intended to create an atmosphere of leisurely wanderlust and confusion, forcing the viewer to wander helplessly amongst the sea of sequestered memos as if pacing the lofty halls of an art gallery, in striking contrast with the cramped metaphor of a post-it-encrusted cubicle? Anything is possible, but the impotently eager attitude of the mouseover popups suggests otherwise. 21M.340 (Jazz Harmony and Arranging) I didnt really find out about non-classical music until high school, so this is all kind of new, but jazz is like a drug. And I want to learn how to make it. Last week we discussed the blues, which the venerable Mark Harvey described as a riff, and then you keep repeating it until you run out of lyrics. 6.02 (Intro EECS II) Ive been putting this off for a long, long time. 6.815 (Digital Computational Photography a.k.a. How To Make Photoshop) The second lecture started off like this: Prof. Durand: Put on these diffraction glasses. Yuzhi 12: DOUBLE RAINBOW!!!!!!!!! Me: ALL THE WAY ACROSS THE SKY Jeff 12: ITS STARTING TO LOOK LIKE A TRIPLE RAINBOW Prof. Durand: By the way, human color perception reduces infinite-dimensional spectra to just three dimensions, enabling illuminant metamerism, which is when completely different spectra look identical under certain lighting conditions, and thats why clothes you tried on at the store sometimes look awful when you get home. Also, it lets you cheat and simulate negative spectra using just additive light. And half a lectures worth of linear algebra. Me: Wow, this class is going to be so fun! And then we had Matlab assignments. *I eventually figured out why everything was magenta, but it took a while. (Im new to Matlab.)

Friday, May 22, 2020

Are You a Hipster No, I am a Yuccie!

Do you know what a yuccie is? No, not yucky, although somebody will certainly say it is not that much of a difference, but a yuccie? Yuccie is a recently coined term defining a new subculture (way of life, worldview, lifestyle, underline as necessary) that is likely to largely replace good old hipsters we all have come to know and†¦ mostly just know, probably. ‘Yuccie’ is derived from ‘young urban creative’ in the same manner ‘yuppie’ is derived from ‘young urban professional’, and the similarity isn’t limited to the way these two words sound. However improbable it may sound, but yuccies borrow almost as much from yuppies as they do from hipsters, despite the seeming incompatibility of these two groups. Just like hipsters, yuccies despise all things mainstream, hate traditional nine to five job mentality, seek creative self-expression, live in gentrified neighborhoods; they borrow a lot from them in the sense of style and preferences in art and music. However, when it comes to their attitude towards success and money, they are quite different. They avoid nine to five jobs and traditional careers not because they try to show their indifference to worldly success, but because they believe they can achieve it in other ways. Namely – via their self-professed creativity. A yuccie believes his intelligence, creative capabilities and ideas are too powerful and valuable to be wasted in an office. He is too clever by far to spend years building up a career and climbing up a company hierarchy (even if he is completely capable of doing it; or at least believes so). Instead, he wishes both to retain his creative freedom and earn big money through it, be it through some artistic endeavor or entrepreneurship. It would be, however, wrong to assume that a yuccie is a completely new and previously unseen phenomenon. On the contrary, belief in one’s ability to achieve greatness via personal creative work has always been inherent to American culture, and there always were people trying and succeeding in building their lives this way. But today it feels that whenever you turn you see a young person from a privileged background either leaving a well-paid job to start a small craft brewery, or a digital startup, or to try and write a novel, or something else along the same lines. Thus, yuccies combine features characteristic both of yuppies and hipsters (hence other term sometimes used to define them – yupsters); it wouldn’t be an exaggeration to say that they are a cultural progeny of these two unlikely parents, reflecting the changing world around us. With the Internet becoming an immanent part of our lives, with new technologies opening up new horizons on a daily basis, with all the incredible things that appear every day, it is only logical for creative people (or those who deem themselves creative) to look for ways to harness this flow and not only express themselves, but earn money on the way. Which doesn’t prevent them from being annoying at times.

Thursday, May 7, 2020

Media Studies; Policy Management and Media Representation

COM 3029 Media Studies: Policy management and media representation Semester 2, 2012 I, the undersigned, hereby declare that this is my own and personal work, except where the work(s) and publications of others have been acknowledged by means of reference techniques. TABLE OF CONTENTS_______________________________________________________ Declaration 2 Introduction 5 1. MEDIA POLICY AND MEDIA REGULATION 5 2.1 The communication market 5 2.2.1 Liberalisation 5 2.2.2 Privatisation 5 2.2.3 Public enterprise 6 2.2 Internal regulation 11 2.3 External regulation 11 2.4.4 Freedom of the press in South Africa†¦show more content†¦An example of deregulation is the Press Council of South Africa (PCSA) which is a self regulatory independent body that regulates the press. 2.2.3 Privatisation of public tasks and services Privatisation of public tasks and services occurs when previous media which were owned and monitored by the state are now run by a private company. In South Africa, television production and broadcasting is provided by private companies such as DSTV, and ETV and are regulated by ICASA, a government body. The content of television however is handled by the BCCSA, which is a private body. Hence, television production includes both private and state owned companies. In Zimbabwe there is no independent body that regulates the media. There is however, the Broadcasting Authority of Zimbabwe (BAZ). BAZ is meant to operate along the same lines as ICASA, but it is exposed to direct political interference. BAZ is subordinate to the Ministry of Information who is the one who solely at his discretion determines whom and when to issue a licence, the Minister appoints the Board and not the public via parliament as is the case with ICASA, and retains the power to fire and suspend members of t he Board. Due to these reasons, private tasks and services are still not privatised in Zimbabwe, with the government monopolising access to information. 2.2 Internal regulation The first newspaper article is from Newsday, a Zimbabwean dailyShow MoreRelatedThe Theory Of The Glass Ceiling Metaphor Essay1628 Words   |  7 Pagesare judged less favorably when seeking management positions. Moreover, managers are less likely to promote women because of their social responsibility as mothers, which ascribe the primary responsibility of family (Sabharwal, 2015). Role incongruity and the perpetuating masculine stereotype contribute to the challenges women face in leadership positions (Sabharwal, 2015). The social exclusion theory, first used in France, has also been applied to the study of the glass ceiling. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020

Asteroids vs. Comets Free Essays

Asteroids vs. Comets Spacecrafts have retrieved extraordinarily valuable information that has furthered the human race’s knowledge of what exists in outer space. However, spacecrafts and shuttles are extremely expensive to build and launch into space so they should be well taken care of. We will write a custom essay sample on Asteroids vs. Comets or any similar topic only for you Order Now Sending a spacecraft to an asteroid is far better and safer than sending a spacecraft to a comet for quite a few different reasons. First, an asteroid is made up of less materials than a comet. Next, comets produce two tails when approaching the Sun. Lastly, an asteroid’s orbit is much more predictable than a comet’s orbit. With these characteristics, asteroids make a better object for spacecrafts to land on rather than comets. A typical asteroid is made up of rock, metal, and iron. The iron causes asteroids to be rock solid with some loose piles of rubble. Comets consist of many different materials such as ice and dust. With less exposed materials, sending a spacecraft to an asteroid instead of a comet reduces unexpected obstacles with the comet’s atmospheric conditions. Having an atmosphere with high levels of water and dust can also make the spacecraft’s maneuvering difficult. An asteroid would be much more suitable for spacecraft maneuvering due to it’s rocky and dry shell. Comets produce two tails when they get closer to the Sun while asteroids produce no tails. These two tails consist of one white tail made of dust and another blue tail containing ionized gas. The Sun’s light creates radiation pressure and when mixed with solar wind, they push the dust and gas outward and away from the Sun thus creating the two tails. Exposing a spacecraft to these conditions can be very detrimental to the exterior and technology of the spacecraft. Which would be very counterproductive and could potentially destroy any evidence recorded. Asteroids, however, are basically big piles of rubble with craters. Spacecrafts would have a much easier time landing on an asteroid as opposed to a comet. Asteroids come from the inner solar system and have a very predictable orbit. All asteroids orbit between Mars and Jupiter in the â€Å"asteroid belt† around the Sun. Some comets may have a predictable orbit, however, there are many ways a comet may be knocked off course. Comets come from the outer solar system where other objects or even passing stars can cause the comet to have a different orbit. Having a more predictable orbit would make a spacecraft mission much easier to map and plan out. It costs around $300 million to send a spacecraft on a mission to space on an interplanetary mission. In this case, asteroids are much better for a spacecraft to take a mission to. Asteroids are made up of less materials that contribute to a dangerous climate which is much more suitable for a spacecraft to maneuver around on. Second, comets produce two tails containing dust and ionized gas which would make it difficult to land a spacecraft on. Last, asteroids have a very predictable orbit while comets can be harder to track and plan a mission to. Asteroids clearly have better qualities for a spacecraft to be sent to. How to cite Asteroids vs. Comets, Essay examples

Monday, April 27, 2020

The Downward Path To Wisdom--A Review Essays - Knowledge

The Downward Path To Wisdom--A Review The Downward Path to Wisdom was, to put it simply, a very confusing story for me to read. I am not exactly sure what message or meaning the author was hoping to pass on to the reader, but it does seem to make the reader feel much pain for little Stephen. Stephen seems to be a resilient young lad. He goes about his daily routines even though he is called dumb and is told how bad and mean he is. Perhaps he doesnt totally understand what his mother and grandmother say, but I know I could understand quite a bit when I was his age. I think he did, but it is not until the end when he sings about hating his family that the reader realizes how smart he actually is. I must say it did surprise me. Another thing that confused me was the time period of the story. It could be a story that takes place in the present, but it also could go back a hundred years, or possibly more. From the dialect, I assume it takes place within the last twenty years or so. Also, I doubt that parents were so cruel to there children many years ago; that is a current problem. Even though The Downward Path to Wisdom was very confusing, I still thought it was a good piece that evoked much emotion within me. [emailprotected]